Description: Acai Berry has long been marketed as a dietary supplement and is known for its antioxidant properties - a super fruit that can turbo charge your weight loss efforts. is unlike any other Acai Berry product on the market, offering 1500mg of high grade Acai Berry per serving, making it the highest yield Acai Berry product on the market today.

With a 6 month guarantee and containing all natural ingredients, is set to become the most popular Acai Berry product on the market.

Acai Berry Diet – Natural weight loss solution? (06/08/2009)
Weight loss is a goal of many and many can’t seem to reach the goals that they work so hard for. The weight just doesn’t want to come off or it doesn’t come off fast enough. Fortunately, there is a solution to this issue that some people would ...
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Acai Berry Juice, Capsules, Teas, Powders, or Purees (06/08/2009)
Acai Berry comes in juice, capsules, teas, powders, and purees. You can have it any which way you like. However, there is one way that many prefer when it comes to Acai Berry and that is taking the capsules as a supplement. Why do people prefer the c...
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Acai Berry Juice (06/08/2009)
Acai Berry juice is very healthy for you, which is why more and more people need to make Acai Berry juice a part of their diet in some form. This is because of the incredible health benefits that come with the Acai Berry. It isn’t called a “super...
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Acai Berry Products and what to Look for (06/08/2009)
Because Acai Berry grows in the Amazon Rainforest, actually eating a fresh Acai Berry is quite difficult. That is why they are freeze dried and used in other foods and refined into powders for different uses. It is through the popularity of the Acai ...
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Acai Berry Recipes (06/08/2009)
Acai Berry is an extremely nutritious fruit that is being seen more and more in both juice and pill form. However, the most benefits come from the berry itself. Because of this, there are some great recipes using Acai that you can use so that you get...
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Acai Berry Scams and Warnings (06/08/2009)
Acai Berry products are very popular and individuals are ordering these products off of the Internet left and right. This is because of the enormous health benefits that this berry offers. It acts as a deterrent against aging and provides energy and ...
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Acai Berry Success Stories – How I lost 20 pounds in 30 days (06/08/2009)
You’ve heard the weight loss success stories. For instance, the bride had to lose 20 pounds before her wedding. Suddenly, she found a superfood that would help her lose the weight quickly so she could look her best in her wedding dress. How did she...
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Acai Berry Supplements Review (06/08/2009)
The Acai Berry can be found deep in the Amazon jungle, which is why you won’t find the actual berry in your local supermarket. You will find it, however, in capsule form, puree form, juices, and in freeze dried form. You may even find it in powder ...
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Acai Berry Juice vs Pure Acai Berry capsules (06/08/2009)
Should you drink Acai Berry Juice or should you take pure Acai Berry capsules. This is a debate that has many people going round and round with one another. But first, it is important to understand why there is a debate by looking at what Acai Berry ...
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Free Acai Berry Scams and Frauds! What to Avoid! (06/08/2009)
Acai Berry is a hot item because research has shown that the berry consists of antioxidants that can fight against disease, aging, and also gives you a lot more energy. Individuals are running after Acai Berry supplements because they want to receive...


Acai Berry helps your immune system

Your immune system is important as it serves to protect you from even the simplest of colds. For this reason it is essential that you try to support your immune system and keep it bolstered against any potential illnesses. This is where taking acai berries can be truly beneficial to your health.

How does your immune system work?

Using a unique combination of enzymes, good bacteria, proteins, cells and tissues; these mechanisms work together to protect you against the influences of viruses, diseases, parasites and bad bacteria. Without them, the mildest of colds/infections could cause serious damage to your body.

Fortunately 2 and a half centuries worth of scientific research has ensured we are better prepared for taking care of our immune system and ultimately our health. From simply receiving enough sleep to keeping our bodies hydrated, each of these tools has been proven to have a positive influence on our immunity.

However, there are other equally effective measures for protecting your immune system, that many of you are unaware of and in some cases don’t even know about: antioxidants, vitamins and good bacteria.

Each of these ‘invisible nutrients’ is available in a variety of different foods, but are not as potent as in acai berry, as we’ll now explain:

• Antioxidants – through a combination of antioxidants and anthocyanins, these can help your blood to cancel out the effects of ‘free radicals’ (caused by pollutants, smoke and external elements) and ultimately prevent cell damage.

Recent studies by the Linus Pauling Institute have found that by naturally increasing your vegetable and fruit consumption, this antioxidant boost can decrease an individual’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

In the case of acai berry, this fruit has been found to contain 10-30 times more antioxidants than grapes, making it the ideal choice for boosting your antioxidant intake.

• Vitamin A – your skin is an organ too so it is essential to protect it from the outside world and the easier easy to do this is to ensure you receive enough vitamin A. Not only can it help you fight aging, but vitamin A is the best source for clear, smooth skin.

• Vitamin C – look back over history and you’ll soon realise the importance of vitamin C in your diet. The leading cause of scurvy in sailors over 100 years ago, the complete exclusion of this vital vitamin (for an extended period of time) can result in spots, spongy gums, bleeding from mucous membranes, fatigue and partial immobilisation.

Whilst eating sensibly can provide you with the nutrients you need to protect your immune system, incorporating such fruits as acai berry can offer you all 3 elements in one fruit.

Enriched in antioxidants, omega fatty acids, fiber, amino acids and vitamins, this nutrient dense fruit has been scientifically proven to boost immunity, prevent cell damage and protect against illness and ailments.

Quality Acai Berry Products

Due to the rapid degeneration of this fruit when it is harvested, you cannot find this fruit in your local supermarket. However there are now a range of acai berry supplements that through flash freezing can help you to invest in this fruit and experience its full potency.

Made from 100% pure, unaltered acai berry, Pure Acai Berry may not be the cheapest acai berry product on the market at £34.12, but for its cost consumers can experience the confidence of an acai berry product that is:

• Produced to the highest grading
• 100% pure (not an extract)
• the most potent acai berry product on the market offering consumers 1500mg per a serving
• Quality assured, produced in CGMP facilities
• A powerful antioxidant support – highest ORAC rating
• Proven to offer immediate weight loss on its first serving through appetite suppression and metabolic improvement
• Able to prevent heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s 

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