
 Description: If you are looking for a real Hoodia product then look no further, UniqueHoodia one of the only pure Hoodia products online today! UniqueHoodia is 100% Hoodia Gordonii with nothing else included, no fillers, no additives and no lubricants.

Our capsules include 460mg of South African pure Hoodia Gordonii in each pill, our pills have been specially designed to allow for an extra 60mg of Hoodia to our closest rivals, we also pack 90 pills in each box, most products online have 60 pills.


Getting More Fibre in Your Diet (07/05/2009)
If you read our review of the appetite suppressant Appesat you will know that rather than taking Appesat we recommend UniqueHoodia. There are several reasons for this (see our appesat review for all the reasons) but one big reason is that essentially...
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How to Stop Snacking at Work (19/03/2009)
We have all been there, you turn up to work full of good intentions for the day. You promise yourself you will not give in to temptation and not a single sugary treat will pass through your lips. Snacking at work is not even an option today. It’...
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Hoodia and Appetite suppression (19/02/2009)
Look on the web and you will find hundreds of appetite suppressants all claiming to do the same thing, but have you ever looked closely into how they work? On the one hand you have got natural appetite suppressants such as Proactol and UniqueHoodi...
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Hoodia and Exportation (v2) (19/02/2009)
Have you ever taken the time to check out the CITES certificates on Hoodia Gordonii supplements? If you did you would find that the majority of them are between 6 months to a year old. Now before you start worrying and wondering whether this lengt...
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Hoodia and Exportation (v1) (19/02/2009)
When it comes to Hoodia Gordonii, most manufacturers will offer you a CITES certificates that date back as far as 6 months. Now whilst there is nothing wrong with it being 6 months old – after all Hoodia Gordonii is hard to export – seeing thi...
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The truth behind the Hoodia extract controversy (v2) (19/02/2009)
Can genuine Hoodia Gordonii come in an extract form? The simple answer to this question is no, no they can’t. And the reason for this is simple too. You see, when companies wield the term ‘Hoodia extract’, all they are actually offering y...
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Hoodia extracts – the controversy (v1) (19/02/2009)
Search for the term ‘Hoodia Gordonii’ on the web and you will find endless websites telling you to try their unique Hoodia extract. But here is where their first mistake comes in. Genuine 100% Hoodia Gordonii does not come in an extract form. ...
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Hoodia vs., the BBC, their take on the miracle supplement 6 years on (v2) (03/02/2009)
Of all the media reports that have been done in the last 6 years about Hoodia Gordonii, the most credible and accurate one we have ever seen has to be the one done by BBC reporter Tom Mangold in 2003. On top of their own experimentation with Hoodi...
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Hoodia vs., the BBC, their take on the miracle supplement 6 years on (03/02/2009)
The BBC may have traveled deep into the Kalahari Desert over 6 years ago in order to get a 1-on-1 experience of Hoodia Gordonii, but the strength of their report is still being felt today. With the obesity levels reaching epidemic proportion, BBC ...
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How to find genuine Hoodia Gordonii (v2) (03/02/2009)
If you have become as fascinated as we have about the latest weight loss supplement Hoodia Gordonii, then you are not alone in also being one of the many customers who have been tricked into buying a fake supplement. Search the web, and you’ll s...
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